
In addition to the faithful preaching of the Word of God during our Lord’s Day morning worship and Sunday evenings at Hope gatherings, we place a very high priority on ministries of teaching the Word in a variety of ways. It is absolutely vital for the spiritual health of our members and for our ability to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a sin-darkened world that we be both hearers and doers of God’s Word.

Family-Focused Ministry: Hope Presbyterian Church also recognizes that the family is the foundational institution for both the community and the church. However, many factors and influences in today’s culture makes healthy family relationships very difficult to achieve. Hence, the church places an emphasis on helping the families of the church learn how to apply the principles of God’s Word to the issues of nitty-gritty daily family life through such venues as marriage- and family-relevant Sunday school classes and small group fellowships which meet during the month. Additionally, the church offers a growing book table and a church library with sound and practical marriage/family resources that may be purchased or borrowed.

Sunday School: Our Sunday school ministry takes seriously our Lord’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to disciple the nations by teaching His disciples how to think and live in ways that effectively apply God’s unchanging Word in this oft-changing culture. Outside of the teaching that occurs during our regular worship services, the primary instrument Hope provides for exploring God’s revelation is our Sunday school ministry.

We encourage families to commit themselves not only to regular worship service attendance, but also to participation in our Sunday school ministry.