Church Leadership

Our Ruling Elders

Elders provide administrative oversight, as well as focus on the spiritual development of the congregation as a whole. Much of the leadership that is provided involves vision and direction for ministries within the church. Ruling elders are also responsible for shepherding or guiding individual congregation members and assisting them to grow in Christ. In our Reformed and Presbyterian system of church government, the ruling elders serve alongside our pastor, who is a teaching elder. Together, the ruling elders and the teaching elder equally share in leadership though our session. There are indications of something along the lines of elders serving God’s people, as far back as Exodus 18, a time in which Moses’ father-in-law Jethro recommended to Moses that he choose able men to help him govern God’s people. This tradition continued in Israel and then later on as Paul trained and installed elders while planting churches in the 1st century.

Neil Nelson

Clerk of Session

John Foster

Ruling Elder

Our Deacons

Hope’s diaconate presently includes the following men from within our congregation, who have been gifted and called by God to serve in this important office. We look to these brothers to provide leadership for us in decisions which involve providing assistance to those within and without our congregation who really need help, be it spiritual, financial, or physical. The office of deacon can be traced back at least to Acts 6, in the 1st century, early in the growth and development of the Christian movement.

Our deacons also manage the physical facilities and the surrounding property with which God has blessed us. We are blessed to have a member who is also a fantastic landscaper. Stu at Glasscapes Inc. keeps our lawns and gardens in tip-top shape.

Chris Johnson

Chairman of Deacons

Bob Walters
