Motion Concerning the Sanctity of Life

Approved Motion Concerning the Sanctity of Life: HR 536 and HB1

Therefore the Northwest Georgia Presbytery, assembled together for our stated Winter meeting in the year of our Lord 2008, does hereby urge and encourage the Teaching Elders of the Presbytery to:

  1. Affirm from their pulpits the sanctity of human life from conception.
  2. Exhort their congregations to write, e-mail, telephone, and/or contact directly their state representatives and state senators concerning the importance of the sanctity of life and the Pro-life principles (currently expressed in the wording of HR 536 and HB 1).
  3. Remind their congregants to pray regularly for the adoption of these legislative initiatives this spring and to prayerfully consider how God might use them in speaking-up for those unborn children who cannot speak for themselves.

And finally that the Northwest Georgia Presbytery endorses Pro-Life legislation which saves the lives of pre-born children (including such initiatives as HR 536 and HB 1 in their present form) such endorsement to be made public via the Presbytery website, through local church bulletins, and by communication from the Moderator.

Click here to view complete motion.