“On that day the Lord will punish the host of heaven, in heaven, and the kings of the earth, on the earth. They will be gathered together as prisoners in a pit; they will be shut up in a prison, and after many days they will be punished.” Isaiah the Prophet
Call to Worship: Psalm 76
Prayer of Invocation
Opening Hymn: 18 You Holy Angels Bright (1, 2, 6, and 7)
Hymn: 49 O Lord, Thou Judge of All the Earth
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 9.27–28; Revelation 20.11–21.4
Confession of Faith: The Nicene Creed
Prayer of Confession of Sin
Hymn of Response: 324 Christ Is Coming!
Gloria Patri
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession to God
Sermon Title: Final Judgment and Eternal Salvation
Isaiah 24
(Rev. Martin Hawley)
Closing Prayer
Closing Hymn: 318 Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper