May 16, 2021: A Glimpse of the Coming of Christ and the Ingathering of Nations

At that time tribute will be brought to the Lord of hosts from a people tall and smooth, from a people feared near and far, a nation mighty and conquering, whose land the rivers divide, to Mount Zion, the place of the name of the Lord of hosts. (Isaiah 18)

May 16, 2021




Call to Worship: Psalm 1

Prayer of Invocation

Opening Hymn: 167 When Morning Gilds the Skies

Hymn: 688 Have Thine Own Way, Lord!

Scripture Reading: Revelation 21.22–27

Confession of Faith: The Westminster Confession of Faith; I. Of the Holy Scripture: VIII

Prayer of Confession of Sin

Hymn of Response: 713 Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer


Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession to God


Sermon Title: A Glimpse of the Coming of Christ and the Ingathering of Nations

Isaiah 18

(Rev. Martin Hawley)

Closing Prayer

Closing Hymn: 642 Be Thou My Vision


Celebration of the Lord’s Supper


Words to hymns and choruses printed in the bulletin and live streamed, using license CCLI number 440621.